July 9, 2007

Untitled fiction

This is absolute fiction. I wondered if I had to write fiction what would I write? And then to avoid thinking endlessly about a story, I decided to time myself. I decided to write about
whatever story I could think of in ten minutes, whatever idea I got in the first ten minutes. So this story is about, a young, nameless woman, sitting in her office, on a supposedly good day and what is going through her head.......

begins here-

Is it possible, to be blank. I have been sitting in my cubicle, staring at my computer for an hour now, with not even a flicker of a thought grazing through my brain…while my coffee has gotten cold, my brain has come to a stand still …perhaps its meditation,… which is something I shouldn’t be doing right now, given that I am supposedly giving finishing touches to an assignment that I am actually yet to begin with.

I don’t know how it happened. Today was a good day, my boss is out of station, the office is almost empty, too many people on leave, (and I love it, less people to nag you), and I had been looking outside the glass walls near my cubicle, hoping to catch a glimpse of him, the cute nameless guy from the sixth floor, when the phone rang…

I almost fell of my seat, it was so sudden and loud (have you noticed phone rings are louder when the office is empty). I was surprised to find that it was Swati, my boss. Why was she calling me, did she even know me. And there it was …can you send me the new-customer data by tomorrow morning? She said.

I guess the blankness started setting in right then. I fumbled for words and asked what she was talking about. Of course not in as many words, I politely asked her to explain, since I already had so many assignments on hand :-). She reminded me of some meeting and that since the past ten days I was supposed to be working on collecting data on new customers for my company’s recently launched cell phone service......Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaattt? How did this happen?

After stammering for a whole forty five seconds, I managed to blurt out that I was almost done with it and would be sending it to her by the end of the day.

She sounded a little exhausted and pleased, .....I was relieved.

Now what did she mean by I volunteered. It’s despicable; I find if difficult to manage what I have on hand, why on earth would I ask for more. What strain of dumb virus hit me, I know not.

My mind started reeling and it all came back to me.

The staff meeting 10 days back, I was standing right behind one of my colleagues (trying to keep out of view). All the conference rooms were booked so there we were, in the canteen, huddled together listening to Swati. She was explaining something about the recently launched service etc etc and I was totally concentrating on what she was saying until I saw him, the cute guy from the sixth floor.

I mean I just looked at him while still listening to Swati. I don’t know his name, but I have been kind of bumping into him since the past 2 months or so, actually 67 days to be exact. He works on the sixth floor, I guess in the accounting team,( which means he could be one of those high fliers, chartered accountant, definitely brainy) curly hair, glasses and the most beautiful dimpled smile, basically a dream.

He was in the canteen of all places, looking my way, and he smiled. I couldn’t believe it but he was actually looking at me and smiling. And then he was waving his hands saying hello. Before I knew my hand was also up, and I was waving back.

All of a sudden I heard Swati talking to me. She was thanked me, and said that she will get back to me in two weeks. I was shocked by so many things, the cute guy smiling, Swati thanking me for God only knows what, that my smile was still stuck on my face.

I meant to find out all about it but was so swamped with work. Now here I am, apparently with just a couple of hours left to come up with an unknown assignment.

Diving into research, ........there must be some website telling you where to find Mr. Potter's Invisibility Cloak...

I think I will try to continue it and give take it somewhere else...

1 comment:

Yellow Chipmunk said...

Accidentally stumbled on to your blog, had just discarded the boring morning paper, and came across your blog, loved reading it!